Friday 21 January 2011

Pentatonic Scale

If you want to master the theory of music, there is no way out but to learn the guitar scales charts. For excelling in the guitar lessons and become a professional guitarist, you must know what the scales are and how important they are. While learning the scales, you get to learn about harmonics and pitch. You also get to know about flats and sharps. Good sounding note composition is possible only if you know which note combinations are discordant to ear and which notes would sound good.
If you learn guitar scales charts, it enables you to play any tune pretty fast without making it dull to ears. The riffs and solos expert guitarists play many times sound pretty dull when played slowly and sound extremely crispy when played fast. The pentatonic scales are the reason why these notes sound good fast. Beginners may use a major or minor scale. But learning the combination of five notes is must with pentatonic.

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